Sing and Song

My word prompt today is Sing Along. I went to Disneyworld one time and I watched the Frozen Sing A Long show. It was amazing. Not only because the performers were amazing singers, but also, I was, very very, kind of drunk. There, I said it. Like, the song Let It Go, is amazing. Even without any influence of, alcohol. Like, there is so much emotion and truth and conviction, with each and every line of that song. But if you add alcohol to the mix, you’re adding even more emotion. You’re adding even more truth. And you’re add a hell of a lot of conviction. So, I was there. Listening to Elsa spill her heart out, and I felt everything she was keeping inside. And like, I just wish you guys were with me there. In that moment in time. Because it was special. And, it could never, ever, be like that again. Well, maybe it could. But we will never really know. So anyways, I was there, sitting in my seat. With a bunch of little girls dressed in their Elsa costumes, singing a long. And I was there with them, right there in the front row, in the center, singing too. And right at the end of the song, or not the end, I think near the beginning, and I’m sorry if there’s gonna be some spoilers for those of you who plan to visit Disneyworld soon. But, there was actual snow falling from the sky. In sunny sunny Florida.